2 years ago

Accountability, culpability and global citizenry, not as a New World Order type of deal (not to say that a lack of these things weren’t why the NWO was even slightly a possibility), but as an awareness of what the heck we as individuals were shoring up with our passive compliance. The warning signs have always been there. The signs and symptoms to the evil cropping up in our very midst are not hidden or invisible. We were just slowly and methodically, like a frog in a slow to boil pot, becoming numb to the methods of the madness being fraught upon our societies, respectively.

I refer to child abductions in this video, but I could have as easily referred to the violence in the movie and music industry. “They” shove violence down our throats as “they” try to strip us of our rights to protect ourselves and our property. The same can be said about the sex industry which links directly back to all the previous examples I’ve given.I dare say that we are each accountable and culpable for the onslaught upon our psyches and cultures, or societies.

As with anything we desire to change, it must begin from within our own selves. Then it will naturally pour out of our (in-vironment) cups and into the world (environment) around us.

Thank you for being here!
Let’s do this thing!
Let’s ascend as global citizens!!

Any questions, or personal comments may be directed to:

#ascension #spirituality #mentalhealth

Thank you for visiting my channel!
Have a fantastic Ascension!!
Tracey J. Williams-Walker

VENMO @TemperanceGermaine
CASH APP @TemperanceGermaine

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