5 Tyr@nts Owned And Dismissed. Int!m!dat!on Fail. Deputy Ward. Lee County Sheriff's Dept. Fort Myers

3 years ago

This was on Thursday January 28th 2021 at approximately 12:24, Right near the Justice center complex in downtown Fort Myers Florida. I was on my way to the WINK News Channel Building when I came riding through downtown in notice a group of sheriff standing outside a food truck. Try decided to stop and pull over in shock filming. The tickle walk around and check out what buildings were around.

I ended up in front of a federal court building and the back entrance. The security guard or federal officer in the back had no issue with talking to me. I don't move on to the county courthouse and jail. while rounding the coner of the jail going towards the courthouse, one of the court officers started yelling at me from about 233 ft. away. He then called a couple Sheriff's Deputies over to try and intimidate me. This was a great interaction because I think they all tbought it was going to go much different.

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