Jacinda Ardern visiting BlackRock HQ

2 years ago

BlackRock is the globalist agenda's asset managment company and Death Star machine. Jacinda Ardern is a BlackRock asset. BlackRock CEO and WEF globalist Larry Fink says corporations must work harder to ‘force’ people to change behaviors. As a good global citizen under the BlackRock-WEF definition of “capitalism” you will obey the state and your corporate master by keeping up to date on your shots (all of them including the latest “booster” from Big Pharma), you adopt their radical climate agenda, which means you either drive an expensive electric car, ride public transportation or a bicycle to work and back, you forego eating meat, you live in a tiny house or high-rise apartment, and you believe as a matter of faith all the radical social justice ideas like critical race theory, transgenderism, etc. Oh, and you will turn in your firearms in your city’s latest “buy back” program.

These are the kind of “behaviors” that Fink wants your corporate employer to “force” you to adopt.

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