Hiking the Bursaria Trail at Ansteys Hill

4 years ago

#hiking #mentalhealth #australia

• You'll find Ansteys Hill about a half hour's drive North East of the Adelaide CDB
• Trail Head is found on Range rd south and it has a decent size offload road park for those in groups.
• The track is quite rough and rocky at the start and then opens up into wide fire tracks past the 2km mark.
• Trails cross over a few downhill bike trails so be mindful of other people and bikes on the trail.
• Track features a lot of great views and ruins to explore.

4.08km (round trip)
Elevation: 313m - 426m
Incline: MAX: 30.6% AVG: 7.5%
Vista, South Australia.
Map Link: http://bit.ly/2NJTPCQ

"we must let go of the life we have planned,
so as to accept the one that is waiting for us"
Joseph Campbell

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Map Sequence Satellite Data
© Copyright 2020 Microsoft Crporation / © 2020 Maxar / © CNES (2020) Distribution Airbus DS

1. Leaving - Silent Partner (Intro/Map)
2. Somnia I - Reed Mathis
3. Somnia II - Reed Mathis
4. Somnia III - Reed Mathis
4. Role Player - Au.Ra (Outro)

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