When Horses Choose Riding In Cordeo - Is This Sound Advice? Maybe Some Good Some Not So Good

4 years ago

I know there some people always looking for a reason to hate. This woman I am discussing did Nothing mean or wrong so please don't be hating and attacking anyone. This is simply my opinion of what is good advice verses NOT good advice for horse or human.

It is funny sometime I think people set me up and send the worst video of someone and then I do video and later find out the person is very close to me beliefs and is a good horse person. Which may be the case, but like I said I don't have to fully research every video background before I do a video. This is my reaction this THIS ONE VIDEO, that is it.

As I said in video, never seen or watched this woman know nothing about her, she may be the best horse person every. I am evaluating this video and the message. Just sharing my opinion since many have sent me this video wondered what I thought. So I am telling you what I think. You agree, not agree, watch or don't watch, free choice.

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