GangStalking: Neuropsychological and Electronic No-Touch Torture Report - By Dr. Robert Duncan

4 years ago

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The Executive Summary:
Neuropsychological and Electronic No-Touch Torture Report
Based on “The Torture Memos” and the Senate Intelligence Committee’s Declassified “Torture Report”
By Robert Duncan, A.B., S.M., M.B.A., Ph.D.


3:11 - 1.Induction of Depressive/Manic States
4:21 - 2.Memory Erasure
5:32 - 3.Electricity and Shocks
5:58 - 4.Fear and Terror
7:40 - 5.Imprisonment and Isolation
8:34 - 6.Sexually Disturbing Tailored Pornography
9:22 - 7.Mutilation
10:07 - 8.Personal and Spiritual Defamation
11:19 - 9.Psychological Intimidation
11:59 - 10.Rape
12:48 - 11.Dietary Manipulation, Forced Weakness and Sickness
13:13 - 12.Repetition
14:13 - 13.Sensitization of Pain Impulses
15:03 - 14.Sensory Overload and Depression
16:06 - 15.Sexual Humiliation and Lack of Privacy
16:38 - 16.Maximum Sensory Pain Techniques
17:09 - 17.Sleep Deprivation
17:52 - 18. Stress Positions
18:38 - We will finish of...

Key words

Cyber Bullying
Voice Of God
Directed Energy Weapon
Human experimentation
Weapon testing
Gang Stalking
Whistle blowers
Remote Neural Monitoring
Street Theatre
Slander Character
Flying monkeys
Behaviour modification
Dream manipulation

#GangStalking,#ElectronicHarassment,#CyberTorture,#Cyber_torture,#MindControl,#V2K #Voicetoskull,#Synthetictelepathy,#TargetedIndividuals,#TargetedIndividual,

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