Join us for Arthur the rescue horse's breakfast - discuss some grooming

4 years ago

Arthur and Penny come up for breakfast. He spills a lot of food eating quite dramatically.
I have been reluctant to touch his back, he was so thin, now he has some weight he enjoys being rubbed lightly and scratched in places.
Yesterday I spent ages massaging neem oil into him and giving him scratches that his herd mates would normally do. It's important for horses to have that bonding and daily grooming. It's relieving and stimulates the skin and helps heal.
When a horse is sick, really old or starved the herd rejects them and they don't have another horse to do this, so I make sure they get it. It makes sense, the other horses don't know why he's in such bad shape and they don't want to get sick, survival of the fittest.
When he is feeling better I'm sure he will have a herd mate to do it. He is paired with Penny, but she bosses him around at this stage and there's no mutual grooming.
A link to the product I use on my horses for itch

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