Tucker Carlson Tonight 3 Jun 2022

2 years ago

Mayor "Peterpuffer" Buttigieg gets the Tucker treatment. While this non-birthing person is lecturing us on firearms and abortion, the transportation sector of which "they" are notionally responsible for disintegrates before our very eyes. IIC regime policies have derailed our economy and they are enthusiastic about that. Private jet timeshares are through the roof, meanwhile, plebs flying economy have gotten the shaft. Clay Travis joins Tucker to pile onto Mayor "Petepuffer".
More coverage of the attack on the 2nd Amendment. The smartest guy in congress, Thomas Massie. Smacks back hard. The Fascists want to lower the voting age to 16, keep the age for a military draft at 18, drinking at 21 and now raise the gun ownership age to 21. You have to listen to Massie crush Nadler. Mike Crispi a Republican congressional candidate from NJ joins Tucker to help expose the corruption.
Final Exam-meh
the Marxist MSM is abandoning the USS IIC. As the red wave continues to grow on the horizon, the rats in the media are trying to pin everything going wrong on the Idiot in Chief. Sorry, there is plenty of blame to go around, and he isn't even in charge.
Eddy Scarry from the Federalist joins Tucker to discuss the cringe worthy virtue signaling from American Corporations to celebrate pride month. Nauseating.

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