The Infinite Star Connections - Ep.015 - Guest Speaker: Judy Carrol

4 years ago

On the next episode of The Infinite Star Connections, we welcome our special guest, Judy Carrol! Origianally from Queensland, Australia, her fifty-odd years of ongoing and sometimes fully conscious encounters with off-planet visitors have given Judy deep insight into this amazing and widespread phenomenon. Judy's lifelong encounters have always been with those known as "Greys" or "Zetas," and she received her first information on them from a Romany Elder. For years she was too scared to go to bed alone, which embarrassed her until she heard of other "Experiencers" and came to know how common this phobia is.

At 30, she had a fully conscious daytime encounter, which was frightening because it started with total body paralysis, but then two Visitors appeared beside her bed. As soon as she saw them, her fear disappeared. She recognized them and felt a real sense of "family" with them. Soon she felt driven to learn Tai Chi and meditation, and life began changing dramatically. Many years of hard training and study followed in both disciplines and for eight years she took part in a weekly meditation/psychic development group where she learned to do automatic writing, through which her Grey Friends conveyed a series of spiritual teachings. In 1989 she qualified as a Tai Chi Instructor, and in 1993 she became a Reiki master.

In 1995 she had an incredibly profound Encounter Experience at a Sacred Site in England, during which the Visitors requested that she start writing books about ET/Human Contact but told entirely from their perspective. In 2000 she helped a family come to terms with their frightening encounter experiences. The mother, Helene, eventually came in as co-author of the Zeta series.

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