02/01/21 Mon: Obama Holdovers for LGBLMTQI

4 years ago

0:00 Mon, Feb 1, 2021
1:22 What I'll cover maybe
5:56 Antony Blinken for LGBTQI
23:58 Rick in Maine
29:14 Russ in Hampton, VA
43:51 Side comments
44:56 Chris in TX
1:01:51 Gone, Bright Lights
1:04:33 Super Chats, etc
1:10:21 Black History Month
1:11:37 Leonardo in Germany
1:22:41 John Weaver tolerance
1:33:44 Earl in MI
1:46:35 Tony in CA
1:50:50 Art in OH
2:00:10 Thanks, all!

The Hake Report, Monday, February 1, 2021
Antony Blinken, Biden Sec of State, fmr Obama admin, is pro-LGBTQI.
Black History Month is phony corporate culture.
BLM nominated for Nobel Peace Prize, along with Stacey Abrams. Yikes.
Trump’s planned impeachment defense is to say Trump was telling the truth, per Geraldo Rivera! Sooo funny, if true. His team quit.
John Weaver, a Lincoln Project co-founder, is going through it. One of his purported former young friends has an interesting story about his birth and late father.
Vaccine protest at Dodger Stadium over the weekend, I believe.
Meme: Noah’s Ark, the work of the original conspiracy theorist. BTW: Wall Street supported Biden.
Also check out Hake News from today.

NOT COVERED (for tomorrow)
NYT AA cop/football coach from Minneapolis — tip from Joe from Phoenix! SMH.
Blue Lives Matter is supposedly white-supremacist-aligned, per Daily Beast.
Capitol Riots blamed on military/veterans (disarm our best!). Ex-Q apologized to CNN’s Anderson Cooper.

Rick from Maine gets it off his chest about some of those behind the Capitol riot.
Russ from Hampton, VA keeps his head down, in the sand, calling the truth “your opinion.”
Chris from Texas has a great conversation about the notion of “racism” which he was raised to believe in.
Earl from Michigan apologizes for Friday's vulgar word(s), but felt insulted and right to retaliate in some way.
Tony from California is too silly to know he owes Hake and listeners an apology for his vulgar Thursday call. Banned!
Art from Ohio talks about the perverse ways of society and those in “power.”

BLOG POST: https://www.thehakereport.com/blog/2021/2/1/020121-mon-obama-holdovers-for-lgblmtqi

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James reads Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show and produces Church for Jesse's nonprofit, BOND a nonprofit dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." http://rebuildingtheman.com | http://jesseleepeterson.com

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