Teaching Bitcoin w/ @anilsaidso - Bitcoin Magazine Podcast

4 years ago

This week on the "Bitcoin Magazine Podcast," host Christian Keroles sat down with Anil (@AnilSaidSo on Twitter) to discuss his amazing Bitcoin educational content.

Anil has made a name for himself in the Bitcoin community because of his informative and simple distillations of very complex and important concepts for understanding Bitcoin. Anil creates amazing Twitter threads, webpages and short ebooks to explain concepts like why Bitcoin is neutral, Bitcoin vs. the dollar, notable Bitcoiners, the sovereign individual, understanding Bitcoin with mental models and much, much more.

You can find all of Anil's threads here: https://twitter.com/anilsaidso/status/1292862862436626432?s=20

Keroles and Anil also went into depth discussing Anil's contribution to Bitcoin Magazine, "Bitcoin And The Printing Press" (published on January 8, 2020).

In the article, Anil compared the invention of Bitcoin to the invention of the printing press and explored how both inventions gave power back to the people and took down large and overbearing institutions, ultimately unlocking massive human potential.

"What Johannes Gutenberg and Satoshi Nakamoto gave us were new methods to permissionlessly transport information across time and space, outside the purview of the establishment," he wrote. "This challenges gatekeeper monopolies that are reliant on taxation, incentivizing them to act honestly and provide a valuable service to retain patronage."
Follow Anil @anilsaidso on Twitter

Follow CK on Twitter: @ck_SNARKs

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