Lutra Kveik Blonde Ale | Grain 2 Glass Ep. 1

4 years ago

First Brew on my new Anvil Foundry. It was a learning experience for sure.

Anvil Foundry 10.5

94% 2 Row
6% Crystal 20
Target OG: 1.051
FG: 1.011
IBU: 27
Mash at 152 until conversion is complete. About 60 minutes
Mashout 168 for 10 minutes
Boil 60 minutes
60 min 27 IBU Willamette Hops
10 min 1 Teaspoon yeast nutrient
Ferment at 85f with Lutra Kveik Yeast

-------------Video Contents--------------
00:00 Intro
00:28 Weighing Grains
01:08 Recipe
01:17 Crushing Grains
01:36 Mashing In
01:52 Recirculating
02:04 Mash Out and Sparge
02:28 Brew Day Organization
02:48 Boil and Boil Additions
03:29 Chilling
03:37 Transfer to Fermenter
04:00 Pitching Lutra Kveik Yeast
04:57 Fermentation Overview and tasting

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