Tax + tariff increases + gov't overspending = Inflation

2 years ago

Conservative MP John Brassard - Will the lines of credit of Canadians go up the government spends more, driving up prices. Canadians can't afford homes, to fill out their cars and buy groceries. Skilled trades are expensive.
Liberal MP Rachel Bendayan - Budget measures will help but Conservatives files 62 motions to block the budget implementation bill. SMP and Moody's reaffirmed Canada's AAA status for credit.

Conservative MP Dan Albas, Shelby Kramp-Neuman, Todd Doherty, Stephen Ellis, Jeremy Patzer, Jacques Gourde,
Liberal MP Rachel Bendayan, Marie-Claude Bibeau
Bloc MP Gabreal St-Marie
Question Period June 3, 2022
Canadian Parliament - House of Commons Chamber


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