015. World Over Yet? Drinks On Me.

2 years ago

In this episode, Jak's had enough with his psyche blowing up from seeing how things are currently going on in the country and the world. There wasnt much prep for this show tbh, but we still manage to have a laugh and some drinks. Here are some key topics we chatted about; gun control, recent mass shootings and their ties to government programs like MK Ultra, Beta Rourke, CA bill 1273, Cannuck's ban on handguns, and more....

All other episodes of 2Jacks1Scotch can be found on channel 2jacksandascotchpodcast here on Rumble.

Do you want more of Jak, Jackie & Scott?
Find their socials here:

Jak's Telegram is "Captain Jak's TG", Twitter @Cpt_Jak_17, and older podcast Righteous Mind can still be found on Spotify.

Jackie's on Telegram "suburbanmomma" and Twitter @suburbanmomma

Scott's other podcast is Business Party Podcast on YouTube, Tik Tok and Truth Social

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