America First. America Always. | Chase Geiser | One American Podcast

2 years ago

America will be beautiful and free again. When I see so many Patriots fighting for freedom against leftist corruption and harassment I know that our great American Revolution will not have been in vain.

There will always be a new generation of Americans in this nation– this nation which has seen unprecedented centuries of freedom and prosperity will see new generations. They will be more free than ever, more innovative than ever, more enlightened than ever, and they will inspire a greater hope for the future in the hearts of every American who dares to truly live as one.

When anyone says, “This is just a foolish dream,” my only answer is, “If we don’t Dream of America then how can it exist ever again?” I’ve always believed in America and yet there are those among us who say I’m a fool for it. I’ve always believed in freedom and yet there are those who say it can never exist. I’ve always believed in America’s Second Coming and yet there are those who say it’s hopeless.

Who is right? I am right.

I live by one commandment only. It’s the calling of every patriot from the moment they take their first breath. America.

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