Amazing Questions To Ask A Guy Over Text Messages!

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Amazing Questions To Ask A Guy Over Text - The Ones You MUST Ask!
By: Carlos Cavallo

If you've ever found yourself wanting to flirt or just reconnect with a guy, you probably wish you knew some questions to ask a guy over text.

This article is going to be different, though. Instead of giving you a bunch of careless questions, I'm going to give you the kinds of questions you MUST ask him - along with some examples.

Don't mistake Quantity for Quality. If you don't ask him the right questions, you could push him away and totally ruin the vibe between you and him. You don't need 100 questions - you need just a few that you can remember and USE!

Remember, the most important thing your man needs to feel for you is that you GET him. That you understand him like no other woman does - or could.

And the only way you can make him feel that way is to ask him the questions that have power.

This is how you get him to fall in love with you. Through the power of text questions.

Using text messages is one of the best ways to get a man thinking about you, too. You can delight his imagination and infatuate him all at the same time. It's kind of like remote control that way!

Really quick, let's cover a few of the questions you should never ask first:

NEVER #1: Never ask him about your relationship directly
This one is tempting for many women. If you haven't seen him in a while or you're in a long distance relationship, you may find yourself panicking and wanting to talk about your relationship through texts.

Don't do it!

If there's one thing a man doesn't want to do it's discuss your relationship through text messages.


He won't be in an emotional state where he feels the same love for you that he would if you were together - in person
It's too easy for him to draw the wrong conclusion about your relationship if you're not there - present with him
His emotions will not be properly focused on you. He could be doing anything when you text, and thinking about your relationship feels like a really bad advertisement shoved in the middle of a television program. It just doesn't feel like it belongs there. And you won't get an accurate response.
There are a bunch more reasons, but these should be enough to caution you.

NEVER #2: Never Ask A Guy 'Blue Sky' Text Questions
Blue Sky questions are the ones that are wide open for answers.

Here are a few examples:

"What are you thinking?"
"What should we do this weekend?"
"How do you feel about me?"
These questions are too wide open for him to answer accurately. Guys panic when we hear a question like this because it doesn't give us anything to hold onto. No good starting place to even begin answering it “correctly.”

And keep in mind, that's what he is thinking about when you ask him a question.

“How do I answer this correctly so that I can keep sleeping with her? And I won't make her mad?”

A man never wants to feel like he's guessing. He wants to have the right answer to avoid any hassles and keep the peace.

So even if you're not texting, you should never ask a guy a question that is this wide open. You have to know how to steer him for the answer you want.

I'll show you more about this in a little bit.

NEVER #3: Never Ask Him About His Ex
Trust me on this one: You probably don't really want to know, and he really doesn't want to talk about her.

If there is anything to learn about his ex it's that she's not around anymore.

If you're feeling adventurous you may want to ask him why they broke up. That's about the best info you can get about her.

Trust me that you want to avoid going there. You probably already know this.

NEVER #4: Never ask him about his salary
If you are just getting to know him, you should wait to discuss anything related to money. If you need to know, just take a look at his lifestyle.

And then maybe peek at one of his credit card statements later on if you really need to know if he's pulling down the wampum.

Guys are very sensitive to women looking at him as a source of support - or that she might be a "gold digger." So you want to avoid questions that look like you're interviewing him for your next "sugar daddy."

Besides, the truth is...

For the rest - watch the video!

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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru
Questions To Ask A Guy Over Text

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