Summit Learning From The Past Panel | Scheidler, Culbreath & Garlow on The Dr J Show ep. 135

2 years ago

Apostle Arnold M. Culbreath has 37 years of pastoral and marketplace leadership experience. He holds degrees in Theology and Architectural Engineering, and currently serves on the Pastoral Team at Peoples Church in Cincinnati, OH. Additionally, Arnold serves as the Director of Ministry Engagement with the Douglass Leadership Institute.

Rev. Culbreath previously served as Director of Urban Outreach at Life Issues Institute in Cincinnati, OH, under the leadership of the late pro-life pioneer Dr. John C. “Jack” Willke, eventually leaving to launch Breath of Life, LLC, where he continues to impact lives through: Pro-Life; Motivational Speaking; Pastoral Consulting & Music. He is a frequently sought-after radio and television guest, as well as a national and international speaker. His ministry has taken him across the U.S., as well as Africa, England, Scotland, and Trinidad.

Arnold and Barbara (his wife of 36 years) have two amazing adult children, one beautiful daughter-in-love and two gorgeous granddaughters.

Dr. Jim Garlow is the Founder and CEO of Well Versed, Inc. He is an author, communicator, commentator, historian, cultural observer and has served most of his adult life as a pastor. Garlow is heard daily on over 800 radio outlets nationwide in his one-minute commentary called “The Garlow Perspective,” and has appeared on numerous national TV shows on NBC, ABC, CNN, Fox, MSNBC, CNBC and Comedy Central.
Rev. Garlow graduated from Drew University (Ph.D. in historical theology), Princeton Theological Seminary (Master of Theology), Asbury Theological Seminary (Master of Divinity), Southern Nazarene University (B.A. & M.A.), and Oklahoma Wesleyan University (A.A.). He has written 19 books, most recently Well Versed: Biblical Answers to Today’s Tough Issues and God Will See You Through This: 26 Lessons I Learned from the Father Through the Joys and Hurts of Everyday Life.
In 2013, Jim became a widower. He married Rosemary Schindler in 2014. Together, Jim and Rosemary have eight children, eight grandsons and two granddaughters.
Eric Scheidler is the executive director of the Pro-Life Action League, founded in 1980 by his father, veteran pro-life leader Joe Scheidler. The League recruits, equips and trains pro-life Americans to put their convictions into action at the grassroots level through peaceful direct action. Under Eric’s leadership, the League’s headquarters city of Chicago has become “ground zero” for pro-life activism nationally.

Eric grew up in the pro-life movement, attending rallies, pickets, and leafletting campaigns with his parents from a young age. In 2002, Eric joined the Pro-Life Action League as communications director, and in 2009 assumed the role of executive director.

Under Eric’s direction, the Pro-Life Action League has expanded its national leadership role to include coordinating large nationwide events like the 2012 Stand Up for Religious Freedom rallies and the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children, launched in 2013. Eric provides assistance to local pro-life leaders throughout the country in organizing public pro-life witness, earning media coverage, working with police, and confronting abortion providers.

Rev. Jim Garlow’s ministry to government leaders:

Pro-Life Action League:

Take part in the Pro-Life Action League's an annual nationwide prayer vigil, the Way of the Cross for Victims of Abortion:

Joe Scheidler's memoir, Racketeer for Life: Fighting the Culture of Death from the Sidewalk to the Supreme Court:

Handbook, Sharing the Pro-Life Message:

Douglass Leadership Institute:

DLI’s Black Family Report:

Jeremiah 1:5 Project:

Protecting Black Life website:

PBL’s map of Planned Parenthoods in minority communities:

Article written for The Daily Signal:

Apostle Arnold Culbreath on The Dr J Show:

Eric Scheidler on The Dr J Show:


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