2 years ago

AMERICA: THE END OF THE BLESSING by Dr. Vitale (1st Day of Federal Gov’t Shutdown)
I was in the Spirit the morning of October 1, 2013.
God commanded the Angels to get coffins for each of the Nations located in most of the Western World.
America’s coffin was the first one brought to God.
He placed all our founding documents, Constitution, Declaration of Independence and the remainder inside the coffin.
God then closed the coffin and commanded the Angels to take down the American Flag and drape it over the coffin.
Britain was the next Nation and the coffin was brought.
One by one a line a formed with each Nation’s coffin, one behind the other.
A large room was before me and America’s coffin was placed in the middle.
The remainder of the coffins were placed in a circle around it.
For a period of time, there was silence and the coffins were available for viewing by those in the heavens.
Then God commanded each Angel to start the funeral proceedings.
Starting with America, then Britain, each coffin was taken from the Throne Room and placed in a burial place prepared by God.
I saw geographical changes in the format of the Nations and Continents and wept bitterly. My tears were no longer American, but they were shaped like hearts of another Nation.
God told me He had taken American’s Blessing and the hearts in the forms of tears represented His love for the new Nation He had now given our Blessing today.
My heart was broken and my tears have not ceased to flow since that day.
God has given me much comfort but has shown me many things that confirm there is much change ahead.
He told me He still loves His people, but America has rejected and separated Him and each time he delivers them out of a crisis they return to their wicked ways.
He will no longer deliver America or hear her. He will hear only those people he loves and favors.
Then he commanded the Angels to lock the Throne Room and the Heavens with a large lock and key.
May those who read and hear understand what the Spirit says to His own.
Bro. Sal & Dr. Vitale
Until God Calls Me Home

Hebrews 11:5 By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God
Strong's Hebrew: 8605. תְּפִלָּה(tephillah) -- prayer

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