2 years ago

The VinnieEastwoodShow.com interviews former Victorian Police Officer Andrew McGregor, about the false flag shooting in Port Arthur, TASMANIA in 1996.


How do we know it's a false flag?

Well it's pretty bloody obvious...and if the last 2 and a half years have shown us anything, it is not to believe the mainstream narrative and question everything.

Here at Roobs Flyers we've known Port Arthur was a govt false flag event right from the get go.

1) How could Bryant have shot David and Sally Martin, the 1st victims of the day, at Seascape when he was over 50km away?
His rifle must've had a great scope and very long barrel.

2) Bryant never had a trial, his lawyer told him to plead guilty and was in bed with the prosecution. MASSIVE conflict of interest.

3) Witness statements ignored, Bryant denied visitors in Gaol, threatened and coerced. Even Charles Manson had visitors.

Notwithstanding those three facts, there are countless other contradictions in the 'official' story that PROVE, Bryant is innocent and the government killed all those people.

Wake Up Australia!

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The Conspiracy Theorists Were Right All Along.

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