[Free Association] Chile's Political Suicide | With Axel Kaiser

2 years ago

Join Carter for a premiere of Free Association, with guest Axel Kaiser, Friday at 11 a.m. PT/2 p.m. ET!

Axel is the CEO of the Foundation for Progress, a libertarian think tank based in Chile devoted to promoting freedom in both Chile and the rest of Latin America. He’s also director of the Friedrich Hayek Chair at the Adolfo Ibáñez University in Santiago, Chile. He’s one of the world’s leading defenders of libertarian principles and Austrian economics and the author of several books, including:

-The Fatal Ignorance: The Right-Wing's Cultural Anorexia Against the Ideological Advance of Progressive Ideas
-The Tyranny of Equality
-The Populist Deception
-Latest Book: The Street Economist

To follow Axel:
-Podcast: Mentalmorphosis (Spanish)

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