The Great Reset & Digital ID: A Definitive Method For Controlling YOU

2 years ago

The Great Reset & Digital ID: A Definitive Method For Controlling You

Tonight, we will continue with our dive into social engineering and behavioral modification, by taking time to understand the downsides to Digital ID’s.

The idea behind digital identities is simple enough. All the data collected from EVERY online interaction you make with the private and public sectors goes into forming your digital identity.

Thus, your digital identity becomes an account of your social behavior, which can be policed.

With the proposed Internet of Bodies, not only would your every societal behavior be recorded, but also everything you did in private.

As far as a social engineering experiment goes, when people know that their every move is being recorded, they will police themselves into conformity.

Just knowing that they’re being watched will cause people to change their behavior, and this makes the job of the technocrat even easier.

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