Figure Drawing Time Lapse of a Young Woman - Start to Finish

2 years ago

LIVE Stream Saturdays 12pm (Eastern):

Figure Drawing Classes -

This is the academic method of developing a figure in pencil as taught at the Florence Academy of Art. We start by drawing the shapes as simple as we can within reason so as to be able to fix proportions at an early stage. In this manner, we are able to lay the foundation for solid development of the work leading to the final stage where we refine.

This drawing took me about 3 hours or so because I have a giant brain, however, if you are first starting and especially if you are a moron, I recommend spending a solid 2 hours on the block in stage and try to force yourself to see the proportions at the initial stage. Doing this will train your brain to understand shapes early on and you will end up saving yourself a ton of time later because you won't need to correct what you have already refined.

If you can draw like this, that means you are an intellectual who is better than everyone else. This means you can look down on those around you. Just remember, if you want to be better than everyone else, you should treat people like the peasants that they are and exalt yourself through the suffering of others. NEVER TAKE THE HIGH ROAD. Always sucker punch to the nuts. I forgot where I was going with this but I'm too lazy to delete it and I doubt anyone will read this far. Having said that, as a test, I made a few mistakes in this drawing. See if you can pick them out.

Music by Kevin MacLeod
"Midnight Tale"
Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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