How I Think When I Paint - Oil Painting of New Orleans

3 years ago

Start of this painting:

I LIVE Stream on YouTube every Tuesday & Thursday @ 11:30AM Eastern Time AMURCA


Freaking Peasants! I have not abandoned you nor will I ever do so. I am here to invite you into my gigantic and power-packed brain once again and in the video, I splain to you what exactly I am thinking about when I paint. I have expertly and easily articulated the reasons why I make the decisions I do during painting. Are there mistakes made? Yes but on purpose, because I don't make mistakes by accident.

This is going to be a cover for my friend's first book and I am most likely going to leave it a bit more impressionistic than I am used to. In this video, I am pushing the color and fixing the drawing underneath where the light will eventually go. I'm "setting the table" so to speak, for the light.

The colors I'm using are Ivory Black, Ultramarine Blue, Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Red, Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Yellow, and Cremnizt Freaking White. I am using Walnut oil as my medium to thin the paint out. You will notice I am standing while I paint. I do this so I can step back and observe the entire painting at once. This way, I make sure the painting looks good and makes sense from a few feet back(where it is supposed to be viewed) and close up.

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