Buying Bulk Beef? Learn How to Buy Freezer Beef! The Bearded Butchers

2 years ago

People always ask, when I buy beef in bulk, how much can I expect to take home? There's a lot of ways to answer that question, so we're going to butcher a half a beef, custom style. In this video, you'll learn how much does a cow cost, how much does it cost to butcher a cow, all about bulk beef processing, and so much more!

Just to be clear, Whitefeather Meats does not do custom processing at all anymore, it's now only a retail operation. However, we do have many years of combined custom processing experience, so you won't get any better advice than what you'll get in this video.

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1:16 - Bearded Butcher Scott Perkins describes all of the ins and outs of freezer beef. There's no exact answer to how much eating meat you'll get when you buy freezer beef. Depending on the breed and how the animal was fed, you'll get different ratios of muscle to fat. When buying in bulk, you'll pay by the "hot carcass hanging weight". This means the animal was slaughtered and butchered. Immediately after, the carcass goes on a scale and that's what you'll pay for.

How long should you dry age beef? We recommend a minimum of 5 days but the sweet spot is about 12 days. 12 days is a sweet spot for tenderness and flavor without too much dryness.

17:13 - All of the steaks that you can expect from a front quarter of a beef vs the hind quarter of a beef. From there, Seth boxes up the beef and talks about the yield.

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