GURPS Game Aid v0 8 12

4 years ago

Join the Discord server for updates:

- 0.8.12 - 2/5/2021
- Bug fix for chat commands, e.g. "/r 3d6", etc.

- 0.8.11 - 2/4/2021
- Fixed the z-index of the modifier bucket (it no longer displays on top of everything!)
- Ongoing internationalization effort by @Gus
- Fixed GCS export to reinstate Self Control Rolls (GCS-3)

- Added chat command: /everyone
- revamped the chat message handler (it actually works now)
- Added currentdodge, currentmove, equippedparry and equippedblock attributes (for use with modules like Token Tooltip Alt)
- Added GM Send function to Journal entries
- Enhance OtF for damage to allow "*Costs ?FP" [4d-4 burn *Costs 4FP]
- "Best of" skill or attribute OtF [S:Skillname|DX-2], actually infinite, can be used to try other skills [S:Skill1|S:Skill2|ST|S:Skill3|IQ-4 default]
- Copy to chat input (GM Send). Can't do clipboard
- Chat command /:macro name - call macro
- OtF formula [/chat command] execute chat command as a button
- Fixed GCA export, ranged attacks in the melee list and sanitize pagerefs
- Enhanced the import error warnings

- 0.8.10 - 1/30/2021
- @Tratz equipment bug fix, portrait fix and logo fix!
- Bug fix for OtF formulas in Skills/Spells in containers

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