Beyond The Roundup | Another NY Judge Orders A Hospital To Use Ivermectin

4 years ago

For the Second Time New York Doctors and Patients Needed to Go to Court to Access Ivermectin. The first incident, we covered in a News Roundup back on January 18th, it was about Judith Smentkiewicz an 80-year old woman who received the drug after her family took to court over their decision to disallow the use of Ivermectin. New York Supreme Court Judge Henry J. Nowak aligned with the family and she was able to continue receiving her treatment and went on to recover. In this SECOND case Judge Frank Caruso also with the New York Supreme Court, Orleans County, has preliminarily ruled for plaintiff Robert Dickinson, who is a patient’s husband and a physician, in his legal quest for his wife to be allowed to use Ivermectin.

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