Police, Came to the apartment! Begged me to be cool with politeness, And respect!

2 years ago

They said That they appreciate the Posts and that I am not in any trouble at all, it's God that Morgan did that, Opps! I meant good Freudian slip. How else would they put it! They Said the Apartment Looked nice actually, While Kevin The Building Manager, Said I'll tell The Head office, I added , To Suck me off! It's The Land lord Tennent boar I will only listen to and then just listen, so when your made up letter which you wrote yourself with a big official cock that say's Head office ! I get's to come into your apartment and take pictures!! Like fuck You Do , call the police, Kevin you thieving dirt bag! I'm Sure they'd like to here all about it! So would the landlord tenant board!

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