031 shuv el erets part 2 of 3 Rabbi translates and comments, also book of Revelation CC

2 years ago

00:05 Hebrew Genesis 31.5 Rabbi cants and translates
01:48 sage: Or HaChayim on Ya’aqov’s reason for inviting his wives to see what they say
02:54 sage: Qimchi explains Ya’aqov’s wealth is from G-d not from Lavan
03:30 Wealth management in Kingdom culture
05:40 Hedari money blessings and Schroedinger’s cat
06:45 Proper way to seek prayer support50
08:34 Hebrew Genesis 31.6 Rabbi cants and translates
09:05 Hebrew נתן natan meaning “I will lay it out for you” (other than “give”)
09:20 sage: Nachmanides points out Lavan was blessed on Ya’aqov’s account
09:50 The Evil Eye
10:25 sage: Ramban comments on Lavan’s sons jealousy
11:14 Hebrew Genesis 31.7 Rabbi cants and translates
12:05 sage: Qimchi explains Hebrew עשרת מֹנים ‘aseret monim literally “10 times”
12:50 sage: Gersonides considers the above to be “a lot” i.e. 6 times
13:08 sage: Rashbam considers the above “a lot”
13:44 Hebrew נתן natan last one in this verse means “permit” not “give”
14:34 Hebrew Genesis 31.11 Rabbi cants and translates
15:00 THE malakh Eloqim “THE angel/messenger of G-d” Hebrew מַלְאַךְ הָאֱלֹהִים maka`kh ha`elohim
16:48 Hebrew Genesis 31.12 Rabbi cants and translates
17:47 example of ל lamedh meaning “against”
17:52 Hebrew 31.13 Rabbi cants and translates
18:34 Hebrew אנכי האל בית-אל `anokhi haeyl beyth-eyl “I am the G-d of Beyth-el”
20:34 Dr. Michael Heiser comments in “Unseen Realm” comment of Hebrew parallelism synchronizing the “Angel of G-d” and “G-d of Beyth-El”
21:40 Looking closely at the connection between Genesis 31.11 and Genesis 31.13
23:30 Learning from Ya’aqov – Getting out of dodge
25:01 Hebrew חָכְמָה chokhmah “wisdom”
26:20 Mitzvah: Moving / travelling to the land of Israel
26:58 Why are you wasting your precious time studying with Law breakers?
27:30 Revelation 12:17 on being the enemies of the beast – who are they?
28:22 Hebrew שומר מצוות shomer mitzvot “keeper of the commandments”
30:45 Doc De Vera and Naomi helping to organize our Revelation class
31:29 Current events, is the end near?
32:00 what is the main theme of Revelation?
33:00 How to sign up for our Revelation study! Contact us at http://t.me/MessianicChat
33:40 Credits and donations

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