"It's Gonna Get Worse.." (Sandy Hook Mass Shooting)

2 years ago

Clip from BOND Archive Sunday Service, December 16, 2012: Jesse Lee Peterson comments on the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting by 20-year-old Adam Lanza in Newtown, Connecticut.

FULL VIDEO: 12/16/12 Sandy Hook School Shooting and the Rise of Evil https://youtu.be/_2fSR_z8nDo

BLOG POST and PODCAST: https://rebuildingtheman.com/12-16-12-sandy-hook-school-shooting-and-the-rise-of-evil-archive/

SEE POST ON SUBSTACK: https://rebuildingtheman.substack.com/p/121612-sandy-hook-school-shooting?s=r

Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday 11 AM PT at BOND in Los Angeles http://rebuildingtheman.com/church

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