Unbreakable Survival: Understanding Modern Bioweapons (Episode 3)

2 years ago

June 02, 2022
Source: www.unbreakableseries.com

After the powerful information we revealed in episode 2 you might be wondering, “What else could they possibly give me?”

Well, to be honest with you, we’re just getting started with this brand new information…

It’s time for more recently uncovered TRUTH that no one else will share with you.

First, you’ll hear Dr. Ben Marble who shares his thoughts on who he refers to as, “Dr. Death.”

He discusses the “gene editing poison” and the truth behind the real number of deaths and harmful side effects that this bioweapon they call a “vaccine” has created.

And what he’s seen happen within the first 72 hours of taking the vaxx will truly disturb you.

You’ll also hear from Dr. Judy Mikovits who says, “they don’t want you to know that all you have to do is never inject again.”

Dr. Mikovits breaks down exactly what happens when the vaxx hits your body and attacks your cells.

It’s quite frightening to hear her describe the way your energy stores are attacked – Dr. Mikovits holds nothing back in our discussion.

Next up is Dr. Bryan Ardis who discusses the idea that our very own government and Big Pharma are selling us the cure to the diseases THEY created and infected us with.

He had this to say during our discussion:

I think the childhood vaccine schedules are actually used to create juvenile diabetes, autism, Asperger's, you name it, all kinds of illnesses, rheumatoid illnesses of all kinds, every autoimmune disease you can think of, are created by these vaccine manufacturers.

He and I had a revealing talk about what the spike protein really does to your body and how it can cause cancer to form at alarming rates.

The saddening story about his family member who was in remission but received the shot and almost immediately found out she had stage 4 cancer will surely open your eyes to the power of this bioweapon.

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