Beware!!! Deconstructing Faith: A Trendy New Path to Eternal Damnation!!!

2 years ago

#deconstructingchristianity #deconstruction
Deconstructing faith has been a popular phenomenon among Christians for at least a couple of years. This is a dangerous and Satanic practice that examines Christianity through the philosophies of the world. Hear me out, I’m going to explain why. This will have eternal consequence for a lot of people, so it deserves examination. (video 1)

The practice of deconstruction is running rampant in so-called Christian colleges and amongst Christian music artists. Consequently, many have fallen away. YouTube is chalk full of “falling away” stories, people left spiritual shipwreck after filling themselves with the wisdom of man and falling for the exact same deception that Eve did in the garden of Eden. If one decides to examine their faith, the only lens they should use is the lens of the Bible, and not the philosophies and arguments of ungodly skeptics. (video 2)

Since the age of enlightenment, man has chosen to pit his knowledge against God. From the French philosophers to Darwin and now the proponents of the Big Bang theory, those professing themselves wise have made themselves fools. They have chosen to worship the creation instead of the creator, fulfilling the prophecy in Romans chapter 1. We certainly see the results of that, they are laid out in great detail. And they have come to pass exactly as the Bible said they would.

Deconstruction has become quite trendy, it appeals to the most base and prideful tendencies found in all of us to varying degrees. It questions our intellect; it challenges us to be flexible in our thinking and it questions the veracity of the Bible. This may sound quite innocent on the face of it but the truth is, what we are being asked to do is put God and His Word under a microscope as though we are qualified to do so. In truth, it is rebellion. (video 3)

What any Christian ought to know is that if we sit and attempt to reason with Satan, we are likely to fall prey to his lies. Rather than follow the lead of Eve and engage in conversation, it is better to follow the lead of Jesus, and simply say, “get thee behind me, Satan”.

I understand that some Christians may feel like an ignoramus if they simply say they aren’t interested in engaging in this enlightened practice. Satan does appear as an angel of light, and he is the craftiest and most subtil of creatures. But he also covets your soul as it is his pathetic attempt at revenge against God.

The idea of deconstruction is a way to undermine the word of God, it is a way to undermine a Christians belief system and it is an attempt to wipe away one's foundation by chipping away at it using woke philosophies and convincing people that God should be put on the scrapheap in favor of societal norms. I have watched a lot of testimonies of those who have fallen away after this practice. A lot of them feel like they were a part of a fear-based religion. This tells me a lot, they weren’t rooted and grounded in a way that a mature Christian should be. God has not given us a spirit of fear. Many felt that they were being deprived of a full life because of their call to Holy living. Others came to the conclusion that a loving God wouldn’t allow bad thing to happen to innocent people. All of these arguments could be answered in a good Bible study, yet none of these people ever looked to the right source for answers, they accepted answers from the God haters, atheists and psuedo-intellectuals.

Many also came to believe the post-modern philosophy that there are no absolute truths. This is yet another lie of the Devil, I can see absolute truth every day in every way. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life”. To the Christian, he is. But many of these deconstructers have been hurt by churches, or by other Christians. Their faith was misplaced to begin with. If we put our faith in what others do, we fall into a trap. Jesus said there would be Tribulation, but He said I have overcome. The life of a believer is one of an overcomer, not one who gives up at the first sign of trouble. I have been hurt by churches, but I have never been hurt by Jesus. I have been burned by other Christians, but Jesus has never forsaken me. (video 5)

What many are trying to sell as a healthy and prudent way of examining your faith is simply apostasy. Any simpleton can do google searches and find out anything they want to know about the Bible and they can search the scriptures with great ease. There is no need to subject oneself to an unsaved professor at some woke Christian college and hear his lies spewed in hypocrisy. (video 4)

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