How can any parent give their children the Big Pharma death jab?

2 years ago

How can any parent give their children the Big Pharma death jab?

Uploaded to tiktok 5 days ago by the Grim family.

This video shows how baby Nash was vaccinated on January 23 and was paralyzed after 13 days.

From the baby Nash GoFundMe page:
Nash was a healthy, happy child. He grew well and reached all his milestones on time.. On February 4, their lives changed forever when Nash woke up from a nap in kindergarten with purple lips and limp hands, trying to breathe. He was intubated and taken to the Children's Hospital in Omaha, where he was diagnosed with a form of myelitis (inflammation and damage to the nerves of the spine). The CDC has not officially confirmed whether it is transverse myelitis or acute flaccid myelitis.😢🙏

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