2021 Sony Airpeak Drone

4 years ago

NOTE: As of 3/25/2022, SpeedZarServices has been given to B01 G3n1us, The only reason why this is being put into the description on these videos is just to keep you informed just incase there is changes which there wont be any changes, because if it isn't broken, don't fix it, and besides I always wanted to do car videos and now I have that opportunity! Hope you enjoy future content! Speed Zar Services Presents;
2021 Sony Airpeak Drone
Airpeak filmed soaring above a snowy landscape and carrying a Sony A7S III, as it kept pace with a prototype Sony Vision S car at a race track.

The short demo video emphatically answered our main question about Sony Airpeak – what kind of drone will it be? With its mildly terrifying wingspan, nifty retractable landing gear and high-end Sony Alpha payload, there's no doubt that this will (for now) be a drone for professional cinematographers.

STARTING AT $3,299 (without a camera)
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