Collaborative Editing Mistakes That Keep You From Writing Copy That Sells

4 years ago

Do you write with a group? Or edit by committee? If yes, then you are likely making these editing mistakes. These collaborative editing mistakes keep you from writing copy that sells.

A document written by multiple people can really easily become a clown show. Too many cooks do spoil the broth. Everyone has an idea about what works with copy, yet none of it matters if it doesn't make sales.

In today’s episode, I cover a few common mistakes people make when they have multiple editors on a project. Plus, the insight you can use to get projects done more consistently. These insights put you at the helm to write copy that sells.

Stop pulling out your hair with lost revisions, unclear input, and communications by committee. Start writing faster, more result-based contact, and make more sales. No more rework, drawn-out writing times, or clients that get tired of copy before testing.

WANT MORE: Try this unusual editing method instead. It will help you generate more leads while writing. Listen here,

Here's a copywriting newsletter that helps you improve your writing, Start earning more as a copywriter.

The biggest takeaway from any situation where more than one person reviews, approves or is writing a single piece of marketing copy is that you won't know what works till testing.

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