2 years ago


Yes, sorry, this is a 2 hour one.

So, as per usual, I recommend pacing yourself.

Take your time. Listen, learn, pause, reflect, take action… then keep going!
You have two weeks until the next one, so again, take your time.

In this podcast, I do a recap of the mental whiplash we’ve experienced over the last two weeks. We went from the narrative around wanting to end a baby’s life up until the moment of birth as a ripple effect of the threat of Roe V. Wade being overturned, to now, we must disarm law-abiding citizens to save the babies. It’s hard to keep up. Of course, if you have eyes that see and ears that hear, you know the disarming of the People has nothing to do with saving the children as these very people pushing said legislation are also friends of the former man who did not kill himself, Jeffrey Epstein. Just saying. But I am sure this is just coincidence. Then there is Monkey Pox where the world’s “philanthropist” Eugenicist and Depopulationist, Bill Gates, also happened to do a Germ Game scenario just last year with a Monkey Pox pandemic “launch date” of May 15, 2022. Oh yes, and they happen to have vaccines ready to go. But, if you notice the similarities between Covid 2.0, I mean, Monkey Pox and Covid, then they’ll just call you a conspiracy theorist as they always resort to exploiting the ad hominem logical fallacy of attacking the person rather the argument (we see you…yawn). That’s just what they do. I wonder if this has to do with the whole taking away our Sovereignty and selling us to the WHO and the video after video that came out of Davos last week saying they need to reform our freedom of speech while talking about Climate Change and the next Pandemic that can somehow only be prevented by tracking every human in the world? I wonder. Again, I don’t know. I am sure this is all just coincidence. So, while they dined on lavish meals and flew on their private jets, they discussed how we can resort to eating Soylent Greens (ok, I may be exaggerating here, meal worms, not Soylent Greens) to help save the world from the Climate Crisis of the moment (I am still wondering what happened to the acid rain that terrorized my childhood), while they plan on silencing you further as they develop their “carbon footprint tracker” for your “health.” But again, I am sure this is all just conspiracy, although they literally tell you. Think I am joking? Listen for yourself. So yeah, the last two weeks have been insane. It’s no wonder most just want to put their head in the sand and hope it all just goes away. It won’t. That’s what I cover in the first half of the podcast. After listening to this part, I recommend taking a wee break to stretch your legs and maybe go hit a punching bad or pour a large cocktail (or two).

Next, let’s shift to the “what” of what they do. I start by introducing you to Intellectual Bullying. If you’ve listened to my other podcasts, you know I have spent several episodes focused on Psychological Manipulation. Gaslighting, deflection, projection, the bandwagon technique…you name it, they’ve done it. But, I have yet to cover the most common tactic that is Intellectual Bullying. Then I walk you through the “how” for what they actually do and how each step of the way coincides with an exploited cognitive bias: 1) Prop Up Authority Figures (Authority Bias), 2) Distort Data / Information (Illusion of Validity Bias), 3) See Only What You Want to See (Selective Perception Bias), 4) Keep Head in the Sand (Ostrich Effect), 5) Ignore Logic (Belief Bias), 6) Confirm What You Already Know (Confirmation Bias) and lastly, 7) Continued Belief in Distorted Information (Continued Influence Effect). It’s predictable. And once you see the tactics coming, they will no longer work on you. That’s the good part! The bad part, is this totally stinks. Like, really, this is our world? Yes it is.
Also, I walk you through several examples, so you can “fact check” them for yourself. I give you a tip on how you can become skilled at seeing the BS propaganda through using I walk you through some examples of how what they are saying is MonkeyPox are a) old images and b) not what they say they are. And strangely, one of your rulers from the Gates of Hell, just happens to show up once again. So weird how that keeps happening.

So, time to stop being a human ostrich.

Look up.

Yes, this is your world.

Yes, this is happening.

And guess what, you were born to live right now, in this moment, for a reason. So, would you rather be the person who ignored the warning signs and ridiculed those who tried to warn you, or would you rather get informed and speak up? The choice is yours. I know the choice I made. And, I’ve said it before and I will say it again, it’s not a matter of whether you’ll see what is happening, it is just a matter of when. And I will be here to help you pick up the pieces when that happens.
So again, this is a long podcast. But it’s intended to be educational. So, as a practitioner who has developed learning experiences throughout my career, my coaching to you is to take your time.

Listen, learn, reflect, pause, talk it out, apply what you can then repeat.
Good luck.

I’ll be back on 6/16 with Podcast 20. Content will of course cover whatever new nightmare narrative shifts that serve as our mental whiplash muses over the next two weeks. My hope is to shift content to become more action oriented on what you can actually do to help wake your fellow humans up from our real-life matrix. We’ll see. In the meantime, be well.

Also, thank you to my muses for the week: @Tracybeanz, @donaldjtrumpjr, Anomaly, @threesevens, @magamoonman, The Last Refuge, @x22report, @laralogan, @catturd2, @kanekoa, @jsolomanreports, @anonpatriotq, @chanelrion

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