Unity & Emuna Class with True Love Daily! United Souls - Climax to Shovavim by Eli Goldsmith!

3 years ago

#Shovavim - Week 6 - Parshat Mishpatim! Blessed Chodesh Adar Enters with Joy & Unity!
Thank you for joining again our special series of #EmunaClass Q/A Weekly Monday at 2:45 pm (This Week Tuesday 3:30 pm) - Shovavim is an acronym of 6 weeks connected to the Torah readings of Shemos, Vayera, Bo, Beshalach, Yisro, Mishpatim! Our next step is to build ours on going even more publicly with #UnitedSouls & & Real Collaboration! Thank you for the feedback!

Sign up for United Souls inspired new 6 part course with PulveREDU - United Souls for a Divisive Generation! Every other Tuesday at 8:30 AM (Eastern)
6 classes - take one or more! https://www.linkedin.com/events/unitedsoulsforadivisivegenerati6759750001406050304/
Join and share your #relationshipflow #unitedsouls - UnityInspiresProjects@Gmail.com!
Here is our company page - https://www.linkedin.com/company/unity-inspires-projects
Thank you all for connecting for real - Eli Goldsmith from Jerusalem!

Q/A direct to Eli.Goldsmith@Breslev.co.il!
Click & share - LISTEN TO OUR #PODCAST - https://anchor.fm/eligoldsmith/

Dedicating to the full speedy recovery of Yehuda Leib ben Shana Malka aka Jeff Pulver, Leah Rivkah bat Shana Malka aka Lauren Pulver both beloved hosts & Shana Malka bat Sara (their mother)! #healingvibrations @unityinspiresprojects

"We all have done so much private work by now during this seemingly Challenging COVID time period and need to work harder even now to move forward! Find new motivation when so much has been on hold and so limited physically and emotionally to connect together! Yet on the United Soul level, we have never disconnected! Our souls are always bound together and journeying through this world! To understand the more we open ourselves to synergies and opportunities to truly collaborate the more we can succeed in our process of fighting our increased isolation! Extract from United Souls books TBA..."

Listen to our relationship podcast: The Shovavim Relationship Flow - Part 6 - Listening! https://anchor.fm/eli-real/episodes/The-Shovavim-Relationship-Flow---Part-6---Listening-eptn40

New Emuna Classes coming daily and weekly on our updated @BreslevEnglish - Emuna #SoundCloud - please share on - https://soundcloud.com/lazer-breslev

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