The Great Reset is Bad News!

4 years ago

Welcome to the channel, I am the American Expat. Yesterday we touched a bit on this “global reset” that has been being bandied about as of late. There is a term that keeps coming up when reading about this thing that I decided to look into, and that led to so many things, which we will be talking about today. That term is “stakeholder economy”. Now I know this has probably been discussed at length by more important people, but I have some unique insight from actually living in a place with a “stakeholder economy”. Thats right, this is China’s economy.

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If you were to do a Google search for the term “stakeholder economy” you would probably find a definition like this one I found at

Stakeholder capitalism is a system in which corporations are oriented to serve the interests of all their stakeholders. Among the key stakeholders are customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders and local communities. Under this system, a company's purpose is to create long-term value and not to maximize profits and enhance shareholder value at the cost of other stakeholder groups.

It sounds pretty nice doesn’t it. Companies that have everyone’s best interests at heart instead of making money. I know some companies that are supposedly set up like that, its China’s state owned enterprises. Thats right, the great reset is actually the Chinese system. They are selling this idea to you as a wonderful utopia, where nobody cares about profits anymore. What they are actually doing is eliminating competition for giant corporations, and enslaving you and I.

So what is it like in China? You might be scratching your head and saying its pretty good, right? Yes, its pretty good, or at least it has been, but that is only because the communist party relaxed enforcement of the rules so that capitalism could save the economy. Well, those people are currently out of favor in China, now they are heading down a different path, one that doesn’t like small businesses.

Small businesses are critical. Startups are critical. Think of it like a forest. If you don’t have new growth coming in to take the place of the old growth when it inevitably dies, then you will lose the forest. These giant corporations are like the old growth. In our case they are greedy. They see these small businesses coming along in their wake, and believe they are eating up all the resources, resources that they want for themselves. Their plan is to remove the small companies from the equation so they no longer have to share the resources. Thats right, the 1% are not satisfied with what they have taken, they want everything. Makes me think of that quote from Klaus Schwab, chairman of the world economic forum, that has been going around, “you will own nothing, and you will be happy”. To give some context to the quote, that is what they believe the world will be like by 2030. This is another parallel with the Chinese system. You do not own your home, you have a 70 year lease from the state.

Of course the great reset plans to go even further than that. They don’t want you to own anything. You won’t own a car, you won’t own a television, you won’t even own your clothes. You will rent everything from these mega state owned enterprises I suppose. Why is that so scary? We need only to look to China for the answer, the social credit system.

If you own nothing, then everything can be taken from you. If you misbehave, they can literally take everything from you. In China, if you misbehave enough, you will be black listed. That means no more train tickets, no more plane tickets, no drivers license, no bank account, no nothing. Under this system they will control the worlds population absolutely. Your friends and family will disown you for having the wrong ideas out of fear of being black listed themselves.

I know I am going long, but as I said, there is just so much to this. I really hope this video doesn’t get taken down. I am quite certain it will at the very least be throttled. This is probably the most sensitive topic I have brought up to date.

We cannot allow this to take hold. Build back your community, and when they come peddling this great reset, whatever they are calling it at the time, be aware of what it actually is. They are planning to turn us into serfs.

Thats all I have for you today. As always, like, share, subscribe, and I hope I see you in the next one.

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