Straight or Crooked..Yea or Nay?

2 years ago

David Straight has been traveling around the country giving seminars on common law/sovereign citizen ideology. Over the years, Straight has made some wild claims, such as the time when he was guarding former Pres. Bush Jr. and the time when William Barr asked David to give a talk to young attorneys at the DOJ, as well as supplying info to take down Epstein.
Other claims have traveled around the internet, and some are listed on his on a website, such as he was on multiple task forces for the former Pres. Trump, that he’s rescued between 250 and 3000 children from being trafficked, as well as being on Ammon Bundy’s defense team. There’s even been rumors of him being in the secret service, and a Navy seal, for which Vice News couldn’t find a record of.
Here are some brief clips of some of his claims, coming straight from his lips. Listen, then you decide..yea or nay.

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