7.5 million ounces of silver leaves COMEX in 2 days

2 years ago

7.5 million ounces of silver leaves COMEX in 2 days

Silver is on the move again, as more 7.5 million ounces have left the registered category in the COMEX in just the last 2 days.

There are still 72.5 million ounces of silver remaining in the COMEX´s registered category. Although it is worth noting that there´s been a sharp drop in the holdings in the past 15 months since the silver squeeze weekend knocked the retail dealers off line for a few days.

Yet with supply chains more strained than ever, and new silver mining projects not currently being green-lighted with the silver price close to the cost of production for many silver miners, it leaves the silver market in untested waters.

To find out more about what´s going on, click to watch the video now!


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