Conversation with the Galactic Federation Council - Segment 1B

2 years ago

Welcome to this Special Video (Segment 1B, the second part). This is the first video series being created on behalf of The Center for the Advancement of Humanity - It is an interview conducted by Joshua Shapiro, co-founder of The Center (as well as a crystal skull and paranormal explorer, author and public speaker) with Rev. Dove Johnson, a spiritual medium and healer, interfaith minister and a Pleaides Ambassador to the Earth for The Pleiades Council of 13. This is Part 1B of a 2 part first segment for a video series where we will be hearing from various members of the Galactic Federation Council over a series of videos (interviews).

[ To view Segment 1A to this First Segment of this series go to: ]

For Segment #1, Rev. Dove Johnson had Arcturian of 13 Councill member Ryrta speak through her (functioning as a spiritual medium), to share key spiritual and higher conscious messages with our viewing audience. It was in 2013 that Rev. Dove began receiving downloads or spiritual messages of light transmission from Galactic Federation sources and it was in 2015 she was assigned by the Pleiadian Council of 13 to be an ambassador to Earth, as Rev. Dove soul is Pleiadian.

Part 1A is an introduction to this forth stated video series with Rev. Dove, and this Segment, Part 1B includes a message from an Arcturian Council Member along with a few questions that Joshua will be asking to get to know the Arcturians a bit better.

In 2017, Rev. Dove and Joshua Shapiro made their initial contact with each other around the Crystal Skulls. At this time, Joshua was exploring aspects of the paranormal in order to share his findings with members of an on-line membership service he was supporting. So Joshua did interview Rev. Dove a couple of times as she was speaking for some of her galactic contacts and at that time, Joshua spoke one time with the Arcturian Council of 13.

In March of this year (2022), Joshua felt inspired to reconnect with Dove and they decided together to make this video series speaking to various members of the Galactic Federation Council (which is composed of 13 Galactic races, the Pleiadians and Arcturians are two of these races which each have their own Council of 13) with a different member of this Council for each segment.

This video series is an example of the type of spiritually based information shared by Galactic Sources that our Center will be offering into the future our various public programs. We will also be doing another similar video series which will be called, "Conversation with the Pleiadians" being conducted with Rev. Dr. DeLong.

If you would like to contact Rev. Dove Johnson to learn more about the spiritual services she offers (her healing practices or a spiritual reading with the Galactic Council) you can visit her at her website at: or email her at:
Also you may wish to check this out by Rev. Dove:

Experience Power of the Heart Meditation Master Class with Rev. Dove.
Each week on Thursday at 6PM HST you will experience a simple yet profound meditation for uplifting the heart resonance.
You will learn how to use a spiritual pathway of clearing the negative messages and transforming them to the highest source of positive information in the physical and spiritual heart. The pathway is called the Tao Quantum Healing Field

Rev. Dove Johnson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Power of the Heart Meditation
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 828 0225 5686
Passcode: 999

To contact Joshua Shapiro related to his work or information gathering with the crystal skulls, the paranormal or UFOs and ETs, his email is: or you can go to his website at:

If you wish to receive either his free e-book about the crystal skulls or his e-book called "Messages from rJis" which discuss his two inner experiences that totally have shown him we will see a world of total peace by 2037-2040, send him an email to the one shown above.

The Link to the Crystal Skull Explorers Rumble Video Channel is:

The Center for the Advancement of Humanity - On-line Resources:

Rumble Video Channel:
(Welcome Video with Joshua / Interview with Joshua about Tartaria /
by early June {2022} the start of two new video series with Galactic Contact featuring Rev. Dove Johnson {Galactic Federation Council} and Rev. Dr. Phil DeLong {Pleiadian})

Email Address for Contact:

Telegram Channel:

Center Overview Webpage:

Note: The Center for the Advancement of Humanity is in its early stages of formation - we are seeking individuals, groups and centers all over the world to help us setup multiple locations as well as other people who are interested to join us in members. Our goal is to build the main center in Georgia in the U.S. with sister centers all over the world. Please feel free to email us if you would like to learn more how to help us create The Center.

Thank you and hope you enjoy this video series,

Joshua and Rev. Dove :-)

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