4 years ago

When Death Comes Knocking: What to Do When Faced with Death by Michael Yeager (Author) LINK TO BOOK AT BOTTOM OF VIDEO DESCRIPTION!
Death is probably one of the most painful subjects to deal with in the human race. Doc Yeager takes us on a journey that many do not want to speak about. This book will be a bittersweet experience. It will cover The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. It not only deals with the wonderful Divine interventions of God raising people back to life again but also the reality of those who were not healed, going off into eternity. It reveals the faith of believers who fought for their lives, for one more day on planet Earth and Won. Yet, it reveals those who fought to continue to live, but for some reason, we're not successful, and yet went off into eternity, into the arms of Jesus. You will see, the emotional roller coaster of not just the author but others who struggled with death and life decisions. It shares the pain and the grief of those who lost the battle, and how they dealt with it with God's Grace. You will hear the stories of people who tangled with many in the modern medical world who have forsaken their Hippocratic Oath under the guise of compassion. This book is filled with biblical principles of what the attitude, outlook, and response of a believer should be when it comes to death in every situation. It also will give biblical principles in how a believer can overcome the spirit of death, which is trying to remove a believer before their time to depart earth. The author also covers misconceptions, and wrong doctrines when it comes to God's plan of when a believer should die. We believe this is a must-read book for anyone who is facing death for themselves or their loved ones. It is also a book written to help those who have experienced the tragedy of someone they loved who has died.
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