6/1/2022 - Session 2 - The Essence of God - Sovereignty #19

2 years ago

6/1/2022 - Session 2 - The Essence of God - Sovereignty #19 - Exodus 1-12 - Grace Bible Church Baytown, Texas - Pastor Scott Griffin
Focus on the final plague - death of the Egyptian first born
1. The Plague of Blood - Exodus 7:14-24
2. The Plague of Frogs - Exodus 8:1-15
3. The Plague of Gnats - Exodus 8:16-19
4. The Plague of Flies - Exodus 8:20-32
5. The Plague on Livestock - Exodus 9:1-7
6. The Plague of Boils - Exodus 9:8-12
7. The Plague of Hail - Exodus 9:13-35
8. The Plague of Locusts - Exodus 10:1-20

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