"Bonus" Model T tour at the Age of Steam Roundhouse.

3 years ago

As you may remember, Dave from the youtube channel ccrx 6700 had invited the Wife and I to visit the Age of Steam Roundhouse in Sugar creek Ohio. it was a great time, but upon our arrival we got this little bonus. The area model T club was out on tour, and one of there stops was here. So we got to see many of the models up close and personal. here is a little taste of what we got to see that day. I hope you enjoy this little bonus and be sure to stop by Dave's channel, whatch some of his great content and be sure to like and subscribe for him

Dave's channel

My Age of steam roundhouse video

To support my channel, stop by my stores and buy some "Merch" add to that mug collection.



Or you can donate at
https://paypal.me/trigogglin?locale.x=en_US  and help me out with future fishing trips and future builds, for glues, paints and such.

Thanks again for stopping by and watching model T club bonus

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