Why I Became a Libertarian: Proud to be British

4 years ago

As I was asked why I became a Libertarian and in correlation to why I'm proud to be British I decided to give my explanation. My support of the British union isn't for the sake of the political union itself, but a firm belief that it is the best option currently for not just protecting this country from more socialism, but the best option for freeing up our economy.

I have strong Scottish and British heritage and I'm very proud to be British given the history of our land. I have made it distinctly clear that my pride in being British and even Scottish is not in relation to the British Empire, nothing to do with imperialism or colonialism, but for who our people are, the character of our people that history helped shape and form. The romanticised ancient history has certainly influenced that.

As I explained why I became a Libertarian there is a long history of the tyranny of governments and in my personal opinion, collectivism has been the main culprit, the main problem for what has created so many problems throughout human history. One thing I forgot to mention was that individualism enabled people for the first time in human history to be able to accumulate wealth through voluntary exchange, whereas prior to the industrial revolution there was a long history of wars, battles and plunder for wealth accumulation.

From the economic arguments to the moral perspective, Libertarianism is what I feel most at home with, the arguments are what I strongly reason with and in my view the free market economy thanks to capitalism is the only way people can live harmoniously and that is what I favour overall. Whilst I support the British political union due to current circumstances, I've long argued that a free market economy would naturally give the British people their economic liberty from the central government anyway and allow the people to be independent.

With our people being so strongly intertwined, intermarried over so many years, a history of having fought shoulder to shoulder, Britain is a unique island in my eyes and passionately believe we can make the fight to free our economy together.

Scottish independence unfortunately as I've stated is a direction I feel would be devastating. I wish more of my own people understood the value of the free market, unfortunately, I have come across one too many people who are strongly against capitalism. Whilst the rest of Britain isn't perfect, there are at least more Libertarians UK-wide and conservatives who do believe in the free market and that I feel we can put up more of a fight against socialism.

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