Move Confidently in the Direction of Your Dreams (the two cats story.)

4 years ago

If we want to be happy we must come to understand it won’t come from chasing things that don’t matter or how we speak of in this video by metaphorically chasing our tails.

It is going to come from standing tall, shoulders back, a smile on our face, and by moving confidently in the direction of our true self and towards our dreams.

Don’t chase your tail. Become who you were created to be and never forget to move forward.

You’ve got this! Please let us know if we can help.

Jonathan Dunn is an award-winning coach who helps individuals and teams become the greatest-versions-of-themselves. He is also a dynamic public speaker and corporate facilitator for groups from 10 to 1,000. His topics range from internal corporate communication to creative inspiration, to the power of creating a caring culture to living a fun and fulfilling life. His sense of humor, style, and mode of presentation are always original, always colorful, and always memorable. Testimonials provided upon request.

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