Conscience or Consciousness (Part 1) | Moniquet Saintil | Immanuel Tabernacle

3 years ago

What is conscience or Consciousness? Our mind, or our conscience, is a place that can be led in many different directions. It can be good or bad. Two different cultures greatly influence our conscience - the western vs. eastern civilization. Come and reason with us to see the way each civilization play a role in our belief to know God. In this week's Sunday Bible Study session we are sharing what God revealed to us as we seek to find the truth.

Message: Conscience or Conscientiousness
Scripture: Romans 2:14-15 (KJV)
Speaker: Moniquet Santil
Date: June 6, 2021

#conscience #2021sermon #immanueltabernacle #imantab #ricardofelisme #moniquetsaintil #gladiafelisme #gladiaetienne #onlinechurch #churchonline #sundayservice

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