CSX Heavy rebuild shop yard, Huntington WV

3 years ago

This time I decided to take a trip down south to Huntington WV. and the surrounding area and see what we could find, being that this area is rich in C&O railroad history, plus it was a rainy cold nasty day, what else was there to do. so if I'm gonna sit on the couch all day, might as well sit in the car and see something.
The CSX heavy rebuild shop is located in Huntington WV, and is on the Ex Chesapeake and Ohio main line. This facility is on CSX's Kanawha Subdivision, between Russell KY and Charleston WV.
This shop is responsible for repaint, rebuild, and servicing Locomotives, and have done rebuilds and repaints of engines and passenger cars for museums.
I had caught a NS coal train in Ironton OH. and one in kenova WV while I was tooling around. so be on the look out for those vids as well. I hope you enjoy my little trip around the yard and if you do and havnt already, like, sub, and share, and I thank you for watching.

If you would like a TriGogglin hat pin. It is $12.00 includes shipping. just drop me an Email to thesaff23@gmail.com and we can work out the details.

To support my channel, stop by my stores and buy some "Merch" add to that mug collection.



Or you can donate at
https://paypal.me/trigogglin?locale.x=en_US  and help me out with future fishing trips and future builds, for glues, paints and such.

Thanks again for stopping by and watching CSX Huntington WV

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