21 DAYS TO A SLIMMER and SEXIER YOU - weight loss without exercise and diet

2 years ago

My Secret Learn how i did this

⚡️The Ultimate Keto Meal Plan⚡️ ✅
️✨The Secret for Fat Loss Tea️✨
️✨The Tropical Secret for Healthy Weight Loss️✨
️✨How Java Burn works for you! ️✨
Dr. Seeman says for her patients, the average weight loss is 10-12 pounds the first month. She also explains that keto adaption/fat adaption can take weeks, so it's important to really stick with it for a while to teach your body how to be a fat burner instead of sugar (glucose) burner. It takes 3500 Calories to lose 1lb. So if you want to lose 10lbs in 5 weeks, which is a healthy amount of weight loss, then you'll need to be burning an additional 7000 Calories every week. ... Take your current average calorie intake and cut it back by 500 Calories per day, and commit to burning 500 Calories via exercise.

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