Divorcees Sam Seder & Old Fart Rants are suddenly concerned about dead people in Buffalo Part IV

2 years ago



(If you want to read all these essays in order) https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2909861932583537&id=1400591836843895

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nY83HZbSwY The black on black homicide rate is 4.5X HIGHER than the white on white homicide rate

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ip0695a16Sw 61 children murdered in Chicago last year (47 of them black) & in Baltimore 240 children were victimized by homicide from 2007 to May 11, 2021, that is more than 16 per year

Let’s keep this train rolling & look at Virginia. Here is some of my previous data on VA: In VA in 2020, of the 344 arrestees for homicide, 220 (63.95%) of them were Black. Of the 528 homicide victims, 350 (66.28%) of them were Black. Lots of black-on-black homicide in VA.

In Virginia in 2019 of the 428 Murders/non-negligent manslaughter – 253 (59.11%) of the victims were African-American. 89 of those victims were <25 years old. Of the offenders, 280 (65.42%) of them were Black/African-American.

In 2018, there were 391 Murders & 236 (60.35%) of them were African-American/Black. 92 victims were <25 years old. 241 (61.63%) of the offenders were Black. #blacklivesmatter Do those black lives matter or is it white privilege causing blacks to kill blacks in Virginia?

Asians are not slaughtering Asians in VA, I wonder why? Maybe because they haven’t been fed lies about systemic racism (and they likely have to college-educated parents in the households instead of a single-parent that failed to finish High School) their whole lives, are getting educated, not getting tossed out of school, not abusing drugs, not having boatloads of children out of wedlock & not blaming everyone else when life throws you a curveball. Funny how that works out like that, eh?

19.9% of VA residents are African-American, 61.2% are White Alone, 6.9% are Asian & 9.8% are Hispanic/Latino. Virginia saw a massive spike in their homicide rate for 2020.

Now let us look at the # of arrests for Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter, Kidnapping/Abduction, Rape (Forcible Rape, Forcible Sodomy & Sexual Assault with an Object), Robbery & Aggravated Assault in VA 2017-18 = 15,513. Of those 15,513 arrests, 53.34% (8,275) of the arrestees were… Black.

Now let us look at the # of arrests for Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter, Kidnapping/Abduction, Rape (Forcible Rape, Forcible Sodomy & Sexual Assault with an Object), Robbery & Aggravated Assault in VA 2019-2020 = 16,298. Of those 16,298 arrests, 53.09% (8,653) of the arrestees were… Black. Good for Virginia, they made more arrests for violent crime.

In 2017 there were 74 persons aged 19 or under murdered in VA. Because they changed the age categories I had to do it differently in 2018. There were 13 children (aged 17 or less) murdered in 2018. I wonder if that fat little toad Stan Seder would spend his entire internet show saying their names?

In 2019-2020 there were 86 children (aged <18) murdered in Virginia. Say their names dummy.

Now let us look at the problem areas of Virginia, namely Richmond, Roanoke, Norfolk, Danville, Newport News, Petersburg, Hampton & Portsmouth. Those Democrat-dominated jurisdictions had a cumulative Homicide Rate 2018-2020 = 19.647 per 100,000 U.S. Homicide Rate 2018-2020 = 5.533

Homicide Rate in Virginia OUTSIDE Richmond, Roanoke, Norfolk, Danville, Newport News, Petersburg, Hampton & Portsmouth 2018-2020 = 3.189 per 100,000. Have you seen this movie before?

Now let us look at the # of arrests for Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter, Kidnapping/Abduction, Rape (Forcible Rape, Forcible Sodomy & Sexual Assault with an Object), Robbery & Aggravated Assault in Richmond, Roanoke, Norfolk, Danville, Newport News, Petersburg, Hampton & Portsmouth for 2017-18 = 4,938

Now let us look at the # of arrests for Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter, Kidnapping/Abduction, Rape (Forcible Rape, Forcible Sodomy & Sexual Assault with an Object), Robbery & Aggravated Assault in Richmond, Roanoke, Norfolk, Danville, Newport News, Petersburg, Hampton & Portsmouth for 2019-2020 = 4,110

Ferguson Effect?

Let us take a gander at our fine Nation’s Crapital, The District of Columbia:

DC Homicide Rate 2018-2020 = 25.704

District of Columbia homicide rate 2015-17 = 20.17

If you peruse DC’s annual reports, you will see homicide has become an increasing problem over the past decade.

Washington D.C. Arrests 2016-2018 (you will see slightly different categories than other jurisdictions) for Aggravated Assault, Assault on a Police Officer, (Assault with a dangerous weapon) ADW, Homicide, Kidnapping, Robbery, Sex Abuse & Sex Offenses = 9,272

Washington D.C. Arrests 2019-2021 (you will see slightly different categories than other jurisdictions, which means comparing FBI violent crime rates & DC violent crime rates may not mesh) for Aggravated Assault, Assault on a Police Officer, (Assault with a dangerous weapon) ADW, Homicide, Kidnapping, Robbery, Sex Abuse & Sex Offenses = 6,127

Ferguson Effect? Look at how arrests plummeted. I believe the Beltway Reptilians & the slime that reside in DC intimidated police into less proactive policing – ergo, they’re not in the crime-riddled Districts & neighborhoods where most of the violent crime is occurring.

** You have lots of data in DC pertaining to the race of the person filing a complaint against the police & those who commit bias or hate crimes & you have lots of data pertaining to the race of those slain. However, trying to find data on the skin color (or lack thereof) of those arrested for various crimes – good luck. **

Let’s look at another Washington, namely Washington state. https://www.waspc.org/crime-statistics-reports Keep in mind, WA was 4.3% Black in the 2010 Census & 4.4% in 2020.

Washington Arrests for Murder, Rape, Sodomy, Sexual Assault w/ Object, Aggravated Assault, Kidnapping & Robbery 2017-18 = 18,546

Of those 18,546 arrests, 22.57% (4,187) of the arrestees were… Black. 48 children (<18 years of age) were murdered in WA state in 2017-18. I could not find data on the race of homicide victims in WA state.

Washington Arrests for Murder, Rape, Sodomy, Sexual Assault w/ Object, Aggravated Assault, Kidnapping & Robbery 2019-2020 = 18,985

Of those 18,985 arrests, 22.55% (4,283) of the arrestees were… Black. 29 children (<18 years of age) were murdered in WA state in 2019-2020. I could not find data on the race of homicide victims in WA.

Jefferson & King counties (the two most pro-Hillary & Biden counties in WA) arrests for Murder, Rape, Sodomy, Sexual Assault w/ Object, Aggravated Assault, Kidnapping & Robbery 2017-18 = 5,392

Jefferson & King counties (the two most pro-Hillary & Biden counties in WA) arrests for Murder, Rape, Sodomy, Sexual Assault w/ Object, Aggravated Assault, Kidnapping & Robbery 2019-2020 = 5,316

Arrests for Murder, Rape, Sodomy, Sexual Assault w/ Object, Aggravated Assault, Kidnapping & Robbery in Seattle according to the WA State Association of Sheriffs & Police Chiefs 2019-2020 = 2,430.

Arrests for Murder, Rape, Sodomy, Sexual Assault w/ Object, Aggravated Assault, Kidnapping & Robbery in Seattle according to the WA State Association of Sheriffs & Police Chiefs 2017-18 = 3,317.

As you can see, arrests were down slightly in those Dumocrat-dominated counties, but up in the state overall. Violent Crime & (especially) homicide were up in Seattle 2019-2020 relative to the prior two years, yet arrests went down in those Dumocrat counties (and especially in Seattle).

Is #blacklivesmatter responsible for the spike in homicide? How many extra black on black homicides did they cause? How many homicides overall are they responsible for because they tried to ginned-up the great unwashed (and in chess, the pawns always go first) to riot enough to get the police department mothballed & get free stuff courtesy of folks like me who actually work.

I think we have a slight Ferguson Effect in Jefferson & King counties overall & especially in Seattle. The police are arresting far fewer criminals because they have been intimidated into being reactionary, rather than proactive. This is one of the many reasons I own several firearms (even though this is unlikely in my area because it is 95%+ white & we don’t have fatherless children running wild in the streets) – if the police aren’t around I can & will defend myself.

Let’s do one more, Colorado. https://cbi.colorado.gov/sections/crime-information-management-unit/uniform-crime-reporting-ucr-and-colorado-crime https://coloradocrimestats.state.co.us/tops/ I am not going to look at specific counties because I would have to tally every single municipality (other states w/ interactive crime reports allow you to (such as PA) tally a county at a time) in that county. No thanks.

I do have some salient information for those of you who have an IQ above room temperature – unlike Old Fart Rants & the vacuous divorcee Sam Seder.

From 2016-18 there were 71,172 violent crimes catalogued in Colorado. Of the 26,289 arrestees for violent crime, 20.74% (5,454) of them were… Black. Of the 523 arrestees for Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter, 31.35% (164) of them were… Black.

From 2016-18 in CO, of the 638 murder victims – 133 (20.84%) of them were Black. 71 children (<18 years of age) were murdered in Colorado 2016-2018. #saytheirnames

From 2019-2021 there were 83,076 violent crimes catalogued in Colorado. Of the 28,518 arrestees for violent crime, 21.53% (6,141) of the arrestees were… Black. Of the 587 arrestees for Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter, 25.04% (147) of the arrestees were… Black.

From 2019-21 in CO, there were 89 children (<18 years of age) murdered. #saytheirnames Dumocrats. From 2019-21 in CO, of the 894 criminal homicide victims – 22.81% (204) of those victims were… Black.

Keep in mind, Colorado is only 4.6% Black. In addition, when you see the term “White”, that includes “Hispanic/Latino.” CO is not separating non-Hispanic Whites from everyone else.

Now let us look at the biggest pile of… excuse me, one of the most pro-Biden, Pro-Hillary areas in Colorado – namely, Denver County.

From 2016-2018 in Denver County there were 16,310 violent crimes cataloged. 6,614 arrests were made in connection with those offenses & 34.66% (2,293) of those arrested were… Black. Surprise!

Of the 147 arrestees for Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter in Denver County 2016-18, 48.97% (72) of them were… Black. Surprise! Of the 178 criminal homicide victims in Denver County 2016-18, 36.51% (65) of them were… Black. 16 children (<18 years of age) were murdered in Denver County in that time frame.

From 2019-2021 in Denver County there were 20,191 violent crimes cataloged. 7,484 arrests were made in connection with those offenses & 34.7% (2,597) of those arrested were… Black.

Of the 194 arrestees for Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter in Denver County 2019-2021, 40.72% (79) of those arrested were… Black. Of the 261 criminal homicide victims in Denver County 2019-21, 36.78% (96) of them were… Black. 30 children (<18 years of age) were murdered in Denver County in that time frame. #saytheirnames

Keep in mind, Denver County is 9.8% Black. Violent Crime & Homicide surged in Denver County 2019-2021, relative to the prior 3 years, but arrests did not surge to the same extent. Ferguson Effect? Are police officers in Colorado & especially Denver pulling back because they don’t want to risk their lives & livelihood by performing proactive police work? Have they become reactionary instead of proactive?

I do maintenance on a lot of fancy machines & trust me; it is worth it in the long-run to be proactive & not reactive. This is the America the Democrat Party wants you to live in.

They want to turn the entire United States into Chicago or Oakland, where virtually everyone lives in a crummy apartment like Stan Seder does & the police likely won’t be available until after the assault or shootout is long finished.

By intimidating the police into being reactionary instead of proactive, the great unwashed that folks like Maxine Waters gets worked into a tizzy (while she watches from afar in a McMansion in her mostly white neighborhood) will find it easier to intimidate America into doing their bidding.

That’s what the riots in Portland, the Bay Area, Denver & Minneapolis right after the 2016 election were all about – intimidation. That’s what the burning of hundreds of buildings in Minneapolis, smash-and-grabs in California, riots in Baltimore, Philly & many other urban dungholes were all about – intimidation. It had nothing to do with civil rights, it had everything to do w/ a test run to see how much they can get away with.

I will say it again, the most violent cities in America are diverse, they have lots of fatherless children, they have lots of working age folks taking a break from the labor force, lots of folks on Food Stamps, lots of black on black homicide and… and… they Vote Democrat. Mr. Chairman, I Yield Back.

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