Biden Just Broke the #1 Rule Regarding Military Tactics

2 years ago

President Biden has announced he is sending advanced weapons systems to Ukraine to aid the embattled nation in defending itself against Putin’s ongoing Russian invasion. The problem is, the President announced his plan in The New York Times, in an op-ed entitled What America Will and Will Not Do in Ukraine.

Last week President Biden said he won’t send Ukraine advanced weapons that could be fired into Russian territory. Then in a quick about-face, the President released his op-ed promising to send $700 million dollars in military equipment and weapons, including long-range rockets to Ukraine. In what world do you tell your enemy, in this case Russia and Vladimir Putin, your strategy and what they should prepare for?

ACLJ Senior Advisor for Military Affairs Col. Wes Smith clarified that this is never a wise strategy, especially when dealing with an adversary like Russia:

"He has done this already, repeatedly, but this is I think perhaps the most traumatic worst-case example of him doing that. Tactically and strategically it simply is not done. It is so not done that it borders on the point of being crazy, to actually telegraph to your adversary these are our limits. This is what we will do, this is what we will not do. It makes absolutely no sense. He continues to do this repeatedly. It is a mistake tactically and strategically to actually tell Russia what our limits are. Anytime you tell an enemy what your limits are, they know how to plan their tactics and strategy, and they will respond accordingly."

ACLJ Senior Counsel Andy Ekonomou offered a poignant example:

"It’s like President Eisenhower and Winston Churchill telling the Nazis we’re going to invade in Normandy . . . it is folly to be presaging and to be announcing in advance what you are going to do and how you are going to do it, militarily."

We don’t know how well trained the Ukrainian soldiers will be to operate these weapons. And it would be next to impossible to guarantee that none of these rockets will be fired at Russia, despite any promises made by Ukraine. Sending advanced weapons to Ukraine is only going to further agitate Russia. Just last week Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov warned the U.S. against providing weapons to Ukraine, stating any such move would be viewed as a “serious step toward unacceptable escalation.”

The question is, why would President Biden tell Russia what he’s planning? Is it some sort of strategy that will make sense later? All we know is the President has a habit now of making some statement, and then his cleanup team has to step forward later and say, “No, no, that’s not what he meant.” Even when the President actually means what he’s said. The President’s own staff is continually undermining his authority, to the point one almost feels sympathy for him.

What we do know is this constant flip-flopping and being contradicted by his own team only makes President Biden look weak to our enemies. That is an image we cannot afford, especially in tumultuous times like right now. We’re certainly not saying the U.S. shouldn’t help Ukraine. We should do whatever we can without compromising our own security and agitating a very powerful adversary.

Today’s full Sekulow broadcast is complete with further in-depth analysis of President Biden’s op-ed and promise to send weapons to Ukraine, and what Russia’s response may be.

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